Sunday, July 17, 2016

How To Learn Linux with just 9 tutorial videos

LINUX – Learn it Nowadays Ur Xuffer.

I always love Linux. I used it to revive an old computer. I used it to speed up a slow computer. I used it because I’m tired with viruses and crashes. However, that’s just it. I need to know more, like administering my own web server using Linux as operating system and become a full-pledge system administrator. With that, I decided to learn Linux from the ground up.

Thursday, July 14, 2016

How to increase your Google Rankings by securing your website

When we talked about SEO (Search Engine Optimization), we are actually talking about ranking on Google search. This doesn’t mean we forgot about Yahoo, Bing, and other notable search engines. Google is just too big and stays big in the search engine arena. It is popular because of its philosophy, to give the most relevant search result to its users resulting to an experience unequaled by its counterparts. That satisfying experience is very important to Google and thus makes them very effective and reliable in almost anything they do on the web.

Wednesday, July 13, 2016

How to Personally Manage and Secure a WordPress Site – because you don’t like to spend yet!

Yes! WordPress security and reliability is necessary, especially if your business or readership is growing. While starting a blog, posting personal thoughts on it, publishing online, and gaining a certain number of readers will not actually demand you to have a ‘Managed WordPress Service or Hosting,’ there will be instances in your blogging career that will prompt you to increase the security features and reliability of your site.