LINUX – Learn it Nowadays Ur Xuffer.
I always love Linux. I used it to revive an old computer. I used it to speed up a slow computer. I used it because I’m tired with viruses and crashes. However, that’s just it. I need to know more, like administering my own web server using Linux as operating system and become a full-pledge system administrator. With that, I decided to learn Linux from the ground up.
How about you? You might hear about the wonders of Linux and that it is free to download and personal use. No viruses, freedom, no blue screen of death, and no buying of expensive hardware to run it, are just some of the reasons many of you wants to learn Linux.
However, we are busy people. We don’t want to sit down in a class of 3 months or more listening to a boring teacher for hours. We just want to learn quickly. If you agree to that, here’s my guide on how to learn Linux with just 8 videos.
Before anything else, I want to credit “Eli the Computer Guy” or the person famous on YouTube with his computer-related tutorials. If you want Linux, perhaps you already knew this person. He has a playlist of YouTube videos about the topic (Yeah, videos not eBooks!). I recommend those to anyone who wants to learn Linux quickly while eating popcorn on the couch.
1. The first video answers the basic questions. Well, you don’t have to skip this because if you want to go professional with Linux, you need to understand licensing, why use Linux, shell, root, capitalization, server, and before it gets boring, all the important stuff.
2. The second video will be about installing Linux. You should know by now the difference between the server and desktop version of a distro. Eli used Ubuntu as an example here though I also love using Cent OS and Linux Mint for desktop. Server version will only give you a blinking cursor, which also means it is secure by having less features or points where a hacker can exploit. This is just basic stuff on how to get Ubuntu up and running on your computer. What is exciting is on the next video where we start getting dirty with commands.
3. Now for the basic Linux tasks, everything will be uphill and more exciting. You should check if you really want Linux. I’m just kidding. Good thing we will start directly on the LUI of Ubuntu Server which makes sense because as we see Linux is all about the Line User Interface. You don’t want to be with Linux and pretend it is Windows or Mac. In this video, you will get to know sudo, man, apt-get, tasksel, top, and cd. These are things or commands that you need to dig deeper with Linux.
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